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  • Writer's pictureSifu Coy W. Monroe II


Updated: Sep 7, 2023

In life we are sometimes disappointed by our mentors and our friends. We are made up of so many complicated thought processes and emotions. We sometimes like to make ourselves feel better by trying to set blame for our mistakes and failures on the ones that we look up too. When in fact it is our own failures that we need to take responsibility for in our lives.

Our mistakes are what make us better. They give us the ability to become better people if we just except our failures and learn from them. It is our failures that make us transform into a new and different people.

I have given my life to others. I have set myself up to fail so many times. Now I see that because of these losses and failures that I am a better person. I am stronger than I have ever been. This is because I have learned from my mistakes. I am sure there will be more lessons to learn in this life, but one thing is constant in my life. I am a strong person. I am not afraid to put myself out in the world and to let people see me fail so that I may learn and that I may become better than I was before.

It does not matter if you are young or old if you just set back and let life go by you the only thing that you will have at the end of your life is regret. If you try and keep on trying to become a better person to help others even when they try and hurt, you or cause you to fail then you are a better person you are the one making change in this world not the one yelling in the distance that everything is wrong, and the world is out to get you.

I have faith, I have courage and belief in myself, and I have that same thought process for my students and for God. But God wants action not for you to set back and wait on him to do things for you.

I have been involved in the martial art for as long as I can remember. As of 15 years old and I am now 57 soon to be 58. I am not a movie star nor am I the guy that does flips to show off that he can. But I am a fighter, and I am sure of what I can do and what I cannot.

I have placed God in my life sometimes to the extreme and sometimes not enough. I have placed heroes and legends in my life and thought that I needed them for me to be anything. I have looked for prestige and glory and what have I found?

I have found that if you let people, they will use you for their own gain and will only need you until they do not or you fail to give to them what they need from you.

I have found the information that you need to know is in the art and not the person. We obtain information and knowledge and we can expand that knowledge in the theories that we have learned and that we can even make our own thought processes and mechanics to make what we have learned even better.

What this note to you comes down to is that no matter who you are you can make a difference in your own life and the life of others. Get rid of the things that do not work and accent the thing in your life that do work.

You are the MASTER of your life no one else can get you to where you need to be.

IT IS ON YOU! Have a blessed day and always have faith.

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